pest control expert shows client spider

5 Most Common Spiders in New England and How to Keep Them Out

Few pests have the ability to conjure fear quite like the spider. But if you’re scared of (or maybe just unsettled by) spiders, you aren’t alone. Most people have at least some fear of these pests.

Science explains a fear of spiders as being “in our biology.” Because they once posed a possible threat to our ancestors, it’s in our nature to be creeped-out by these creepy crawlies.

All that being said, we think spiders often get a bad rap. They will almost always leave people alone unless provoked. Even so, we understand that nobody really wants household spiders lurking about. It can be unnerving to think about spiders hanging around your home.

Unfortunately, there are many types of spiders in New England, including some poisonous varieties. For that reason, you’re likely in search of information on how to keep spiders out of your house.

In this article, we’ll dive into some of the most common spiders in New England. These include:

  1. Common House Spider
  2. Wolf Spider
  3. Jumping Spider
  4. Grass Spider
  5. Cellar Spider

We’ll also talk about how to keep spiders out of your house.\

Common Spiders in New England

People are often fearful of spiders because they worry about them being poisonous. But there are not a lot of poisonous spiders in New England. While the Black Widow has been found in this region, a bite from one of these pests is considered rare. 

spider on counter

More commonly, as the name implies, you’ve probably encountered household spiders like the “Common House Spider” or the “Jumping Spider.”

Let’s look at the different types of spiders you may find here in our area.

1. Common House Spider

This type of spider is also sometimes called the “American House Spider.” It gets its name for the very reason you’re probably thinking…it’s commonly found in houses! These spiders are usually black, brown, or gray and around the size of a nickel.

In general, household spiders tend to prefer damp spaces like the basement. If you have seen webs in areas around your home, chances are you have one or more Common House Spiders hanging around.

2. Wolf Spider

Wolf Spiders are a common New England species. They can grow quite large and are often mistaken for tarantulas. Unlike other types of spiders, the Wolf Spider does not hunt using webs. Instead, they use their fast ability to chase down prey.

wolf spider

While Wolf Spiders make people very unsettled, they are more of a nuisance pest than anything. Even so, we understand that even the sight of them can make you feel uncomfortable in your own home.

3. Jumping Spider

In the United States, there are as many as 300 species of Jumping Spiders. Here in New England, we are home to 3 primary types: The Bold Jumping Spider, The Zebra Jumping Spider, and the Tan Jumping Spider.

As you probably guessed, Jumping Spiders are fast (and have the ability to make impressive leaps). Because of that, they are another type of spider that don’t use webs for hunting but rather chase their prey.

4. Grass Spider

The Grass Spider is typically yellow, brown, or tan in color. They get their name because they tend to hang around grassy areas. You might be more likely to see a Grass Spider in your lawn. However, they do frequently end up making their way inside in search of food.

grass spider

These spiders are known to be quick and nimble. But they’ll typically go out of their way to avoid you if they can.

5. Cellar Spider

Of the different household spiders, Cellar Spiders are easily identified by their gangly bodies and very long legs. As the name implies, they like hanging around the cellar (as well as other damp spaces).

While Cellar Spiders are harmless, we know that you might feel unsettled if you find them around your home.

How to Keep Spiders Out of Your House

Whether it’s one of these 5 common household spiders or another type, we know that you want to know what you can do to keep them out.

The truth is, keeping pests like spiders out of your home can be tough because they will often find the tiniest of cracks to work their way through. Spiders and other pests often come inside looking for the comforts of home. Food, safety, and a warm place to cozy up is appealing to pests.

You can make it less likely for spiders (and other pests) to enter your home by sealing up any cracks and entry points and keeping your landscape tidy.

But because these pests are stealthy, many will still find a way in.

pest control expert meets homeowner

For that reason, you’ll also want to invest in professional pest control services.

At Seacoast Turf Care, our pest control services cover most of the common household pests, including spiders. Our program also covers stinging insects (typically found outside, but that may accidentally come in) and mice. We provide pest control in Southern New Hampshire, Southern Maine, and Northeastern Massachusetts.

Pests like spiders can really make you feel uncomfortable even in your own home. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

If you truly want peace of mind that you’re keeping pests away, investing in professional pest control is a wise choice. By taking the right steps, you’ll be able to get back to enjoying life as usual.

Want to learn more about how pest control services can protect your family and give you peace of mind? At Seacoast Turf Care, we service NH towns near Stratham, North Hampton, Exeter and many more. Get pest control pricing for your Southern NH, Southern Maine, or Northeastern Massachusetts property.

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Image Source: grass spider, wolf spider

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