lawn care technicican inspects turf

How to Get Rid of Chickweed in Your Lawn: Identification & Elimination

As Benjamin Franklin once said so eloquently, Nothing is certain except death and lawn weeds.

Okay, that’s not exactly right. He said nothing is certain in life except death and taxes. But with the prevalence of lawn weeds in New England, it often feels like they’re a given, too.

There are many different types of lawn weeds that can pop up in the average local lawn. It’s important to understand what you’re dealing with before you can create a plan of action.

In this article, we’ll talk specifically about chickweed identification and treatment. We want to help you make good decisions for your lawn so that you can enjoy it fully.

What is Chickweed?

Chickweed gets its name for being a feed for chickens and other birds. The seeds are also a common ingredient in birdseed. 

Chickweed can grow in dense mats across the lawn. 

lawn care technician shows customer weeds

Like other weeds, if given the chance to grow and spread, it can start to compete with your turf. Weeds attempt to steal the water and nutrients that your lawn needs.

What Does Chickweed Look Like?

Chickweed identification is the first step in understanding what you’re dealing with. 

This common, cool-season weed is low-growing and characterized by white flowers and fleshy, egg-like leaves. The leaves are usually bright, light green in color. It is a member of the Caryophyllaceae family.

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Chickweed is sometimes mistaken for spurge. But spurge tends to grow more on an erect stalk as opposed to sprawling across the ground like chickweed.

Chickweed tends to grow in thin areas of the lawn and can thrive in the shade. It likes moist soil but it’s adaptable to a variety of conditions.

How to Get Rid of Chickweed

Chickweed is best treated with selective, broadleaf weed control.

We understand that people often want to know how to get rid of chickweed without killing grass. A selective weed control product is going to target the weed as opposed to your healthy turf. Think of it as “targeted” control. 

It will kill weeds down at the root zone without harming the turf. 

lawn care technician treating 93

Like most weeds, one of the best ways to prevent it in the first place is to promote a thick and healthy turf. This makes it hard for weeds to creep in. You can achieve a thick turf by investing in professional lawn care services like fertilization and lawn aeration. 

You also want to make sure that you regularly water your lawn and mow properly. Mowing the lawn too short can put a lot of stress on it. This is a time when weeds might creep in. Aim to mow on a higher setting and keep grass tall and full.

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Keeping up with regular mowing is better for the health of your lawn as you won’t have to cut too much of the grass at once. When you mow infrequently, you have to make drastic cuts, which is stressful for the lawn.

Regular mowing also interrupts chickweed’s growth habits by preventing it from flowering. Chickweed flowers produce and spread seeds, so your mowing habits can be helpful in preventing this weed from spreading further.

Weed Control in New England

We know that weeds can be a major source of frustration. But when you’re diligent about keeping up with weed control, it can keep these invaders at bay.

There are a lot of different types of weeds out there, and many of them have different ways that they need to be controlled. While chickweed can be targeted with a selective herbicide, you’ll find there are other types of weeds that can be treated in other ways.

Some weeds can even be prevented using pre-emergent products that prevent them from germinating.

This is why it’s important to work with a professional who will use a comprehensive approach to weed control in New England.

The time of the year even impacts the best approach to weed control in New England. Different types of weeds are going to thrive at different times of the year. It’s important that your lawn care provider is switching up what they’re offering and not just taking a blanket approach.

Choosing Lawn Care in Southern New Hampshire, Maine, & Northeastern Massachusetts

Your choice of a lawn care provider will make a huge difference in your success against weeds. You’ll want to work with a lawn care pro who not only takes a multi-faceted approach to addressing lawn weeds like chickweed but who also has a program that can help you grow a healthier lawn.

Seacoast Turf Care takes weeds seriously. We provide lawn care services in Southern NH, Southern Maine, and Northeastern Massachusetts. We know lawn weeds are often one of the biggest sources of frustration for homeowners and can really impact your enjoyment of time spent outside.

We take a science-based approach to all of our lawn care services. That includes promoting a thick and healthy lawn that is going to start to naturally choke out weeds on its own.

In time, the healthier your lawn is, the fewer weed control products you’ll need to keep weeds out. Many New England weeds struggle to creep into a thick lawn! That means when you partner with us, you’ll be able to let go of your weedy worries and simply get back to enjoying your lawn to the fullest.

Ready to be where the grass is greener, healthier, and free from weeds? Get lawn care pricing for your Southern NH, ME, or MA lawn.

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Image Source: lawn mower, chickweed

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