lawn care experts inspect grass

Your New England Lawn Care Schedule for The Perfect Lawn

As you probably already know, a healthy and thriving lawn doesn’t just happen. There’s quite a bit of upkeep and care involved in producing that thick, lush grass that you want. But a big piece of New England lawn care is not just knowing what needs to be done…but when to do it.

In other words, you need to know the proper New England lawn care schedule.

In this article, we’ll give you a basic understanding of some of the different lawn care services that should be performed at different times of the year.

Your Lawn Care Schedule in New England

Note that while a typical lawn care program “kicks off” in the spring, we recognize that you might be reading this article at any time of the year. 

For the purposes of this article, we’ll start in the spring. But don’t wait to contact us about your lawn. It’s always best to get ahead of the game and the longer you wait, the more problems there might be to fix. This could delay getting the best results.

Spring Lawn Care

In the early spring, one of the first things that your lawn needs is preemergent crabgrass control. Crabgrass is a very pesky weed that can be difficult to control. The best way to deal with it is to apply preemergent control products that prevent it from even germinating in the first place. 

lawn care technician applies liquid fertilizer

As we move further into the spring, there are going to be other springtime weeds that start germinating, and getting these under control is also important. Unfortunately, we have many New England weed types that thrive, so you want to make sure that you are using an aggressive approach to address them.

Lawn fertilization is another key service in the spring. In fact, fertilization can be used throughout the entire New England lawn care schedule, just at different rates of application. Lawn fertilization is a vital way to make sure that your turf is getting the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Summer Lawn Care

Unfortunately, those pesky weeds continue to thrive in the summer so you’ll need continued weed control during these hotter months. Even as early spring weeds like crabgrass might fade out, new weeds will continue to emerge. Dandelion and chickweed are two common summer weeds that we see here in New England.

In addition to summer weed control, you’ll also want to continue with lawn fertilization. Of course, it’s really important that the proper rate of application is used so that you don’t end up with turf burn. A lawn care professional will know how much your lawn needs.

lawn care technician inspects grass with homeowner

Grub control is also an important lawn care service to add to your New England lawn care schedule. In New England, beetles typically lay their eggs in June or July, and then larvae (grubs) are born and start feeding sometime from early July through mid-Fall. Lawn grub control should be applied in time to prevent grubs from feeding.

At Seacoast Turf Care, serving Southern NH, ME, and Northeastern Massachusetts, we include pollinator-friendly grub control in all three of the lawn care programs we offer because we know how critical this service is to the health of your lawn.

Fall Lawn Care

In the Fall, continued lawn fertilization and weed control are important. Just as there are different spring and summer weeds, the fall can also bring brand-new weeds that need to be dealt with appropriately.

In addition, your final rounds of fertilizer in the fall are critical as this will set your lawn up for success during the winter. This will enhance your turf’s performance when it “greens up” come next spring.

lawn care technician applies granular fertilizer

Another lawn care service that is best performed in the fall is lawn aeration and overseeding. While you could aerate in the spring (and that can have benefits as the ground comes out of its frozen state), aerating in the fall means that we can also seed your lawn at the same time. Generally, you want to avoid seeding in the spring as it might mean that you can’t apply crabgrass preemergent products.

Winter Lawn Care

Even though we do not need to perform lawn care services in the winter (as lawns go into dormancy), we want to mention that this is an excellent time to research lawn care services and get on the schedule for the spring. Before you know it, the early springtime will be here and you want to make sure that you’re getting the right lawn care treatments at the right time.

lawn care customer on phone

Success with Lawn Care in Southern NH, ME, and MA

At the end of the day, your lawn care success boils down to working with a company that will perform the right services at the right time. One of the biggest benefits of partnering with a professional is that you don’t really have to worry about all of this. 

Instead of having to work through an optimal New England lawn care schedule, you can hand those worries over to a pro who will know exactly what to do.

While we have gone through some of the key services included in our lawn care program, we do also have specialty services that are sometimes needed. And since every lawn is different (and might deal with different issues), we can help come up with the solutions that are right for you.

When you work with Seacoast Turf Care, it’s our goal to help take away your worries. Not only will you know you’re getting lawn care services at just the right time, but we can also help you get the best possible results. 

Want to get on the best New England lawn care schedule? At Seacoast Turf Care, we service NH towns near Stratham, North Hampton, Exeter and many more. Get lawn care pricing for your Southern NH, Southern Maine, or Northeastern Massachusetts property. 

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