Fertilization is one of the best things that you can do for your New England lawn. If your lawn is lacking in color, thickness, or overall vigor, it could be that it’s not receiving the proper nutrients that it needs to perform its best. But this is where fertilization can help!
Of course, not all fertilizer is created equally. Homeowners don’t always realize that the quality and composition of the fertilizer will directly impact its success. We use an organic-based lawn fertilizer that contains both micro and macronutrients to best support your lawn’s health.
We know that people don’t always understand what all of this means. In this article, we’ll dive into a few things that you ought to know about organic lawn fertilizer so that you can make the best decisions for your property.
At the end of the day, your lawn is only going to be as healthy as the soil that it’s growing in. But people don’t always pay attention to what’s going on “beneath the surface.” They’re just focused on what the lawn looks like from above.
This is where organic-based lawn fertilizer can make a huge difference. With the right composition, your fertilizer should be delivering both micro and macronutrients to the lawn. Lawn bio-nutrition with organic materials will help make nutrients more accessible to your grass plants. This includes “microbes” (or “microorganisms”) that are beneficial to your soil health.
These microorganisms help make the nutrients in the fertilizer more effective. Good lawn biology will help your lawn’s roots to absorb more of these vital plant nutrients. That means that we’re helping build stronger, healthier soil that will help you to grow better grass.
It’s also important that our lawn fertilization service is rooted in science.
While a lot of companies just come out and apply the same amount of fertilizer to every lawn, we’re using lawn soil testing and also knowledge of the soil in our region to make educated decisions about what to apply to your lawn.
The success of any fertilization program comes down to applying the balanced nutrients that your lawn needs when it needs them. This also includes a customized winterization treatment based on a soil analysis.
Too often, companies are just dumping fertilizer down and hoping for the best. But we’re making expertly calculated application decisions. In other words, we’re not just guessing.
People often ask, do organic lawn fertilizers work?
We understand that you want the best results for your lawn.
The good news is that organic-based fertilizers absolutely work. As we said from the beginning, it’s important to recognize that not all fertilizers are created equally. The bag that you pick up at your local hardware store is not going to be as effective as a commercial-grade fertilizer that a pro is applying.
Of course, not all professionals are necessarily investing in high-quality fertilizers. That’s why it’s important to be selective about who you hire.
At Seacoast Turf Care, we will only put our name on something that actually delivers great results. Our program is designed specifically for the soil in our area and the results show it. We have many happy clients who love their lush, green lawns.
As you look for companies that offer fertilization services, it’s important that you seek out a science-based program that takes a customized approach to these services.
At Seacoast Turf Care, serving Southern New Hampshire, Southern Maine, and Northeastern Massachusetts, we perform soil testing for every new customer and then again every three years (because lawns change). This is because we know that science-based lawn care is the surest path to great results.
When we perform a professional lawn soil test, we examine those results closely and make educated decisions about what to do next. This includes delivering the right amount of nutrients to your lawn so that it grows the way it was meant to grow.
If your goal is to have a great-looking lawn, then it’s important that you invest in the best lawn care services. That means working with a company that will help set you up for success.
Want to learn more about what makes us a great choice for your lawn care needs? At Seacoast Turf Care, we service NH towns near Stratham, North Hampton, Exeter and many more. Get lawn care pricing for your Southern NH, Southern Maine, or Northeastern Massachusetts property.