
When is the Best Time of Year to Mulch in Massachusetts?

One of the most common questions we get is in regards to mulch and when it’s the best time to use it for Massachusetts yards. Truth is – there really isn’t a bad time. Mulch is a great thing, period. It makes your plants pop, it helps them thrive, it looks great – everything. It’s both functional and aesthetically pleasing and that’s not something you can say about anything very often! So while we’ve established that there isn’t a BAD time, what’s the BEST time? Well, that depends on some things, but here’s a quick guide that’ll help you decide for yourself when’s best for you.

Spring Time Mulching in Massachusetts

It’s finally Spring time and you want to make your lawn look its best. Benefits of mulching in the Spring can include: 

  • Stopping Pests 
  • Locking in Nutrients 
  • Stopping Erosion 

You should mulch your yard in the Spring these reasons apply to you: 

Getting Rid of Weeds

Since plants start growing in the spring, blocking sunlight will help prevent the growth of weeds. No one wants to deal with weeds throughout your yard as they can contaminate your entire lawn and soon before you know it, you’ll have a weed infestation on your hands. 

Having a Fresh Look Before the Warm Weather Arrives

The most common time to mulch tends to be the spring because of its appeal before every piece of vegetation starts to grow rapidly. As Spring arrives, this leads to more rain occurring in Massachusetts. Rain will evaporate in your soil and you will not have to water your plants as often. 

Being Patient

 We recommend waiting until mid to late spring to lay down the mulch. Don’t do it too early because you can trap a lot of cold moisture and can actually delay the emergence of your plants. We know the excitement of wanting to make your lawn look its best, but sometimes waiting the extra couple of weeks will pay off for your ornamentals. 

Fall Time Mulching in Massachusetts

If you don’t want to wait until Spring, there are some benefits to mulching in the Fall which include: 

  • Retaining Soil Moisture 
  • Insulates Soil
  • Preserves Plants

You should mulch your yard in the Fall if:

You’re really busy in the Spring 

For a lot of people, their jobs kick back into gear in the Spring, so you’re busy and you simply don’t have the time. And you know what? That’s fine. That’s why we have the fall. You can take care of it and get a head start so you don’t have to worry about it in the spring.

You’re Not bothered Too Much by Aesthetics

If you mulch your lawn in the fall, it won’t look its best come Springtime – and by that we mean the mulch. It’ll take snow, take the moisture, and all the other elements as well. The mulch will still work perfectly fine and it’ll be great for your plants, but don’t expect that flawless bright brown/red look once the weather warms up, is all. If it doesn’t bother you – which it shouldn’t – go ahead and lay it down now.

The Massachusetts Weather Is A Factor

Living in the New England area, you know how harsh the winters can be. Sometimes the cold, frigid weather can carry all the way into the Spring so – it’s never too early to insulate your plants. That being said, there is a little precision required. Allow a frost or two to lay it down to keep the temperature even.

Should I Mulch Twice?

If you have a lot of perennials, the answer is yes, because they need a little extra care as opposed to other plants. As the soil freezes and then subsequently thaws, it can push these flowers out of their homes, and adding another protective layer can reduce the chances of that happening. If you have the extra time, mulching twice a year can actually benefit your entire lawn to keep away unwanted weeds and keep your plants healthy with a subsequent amount of moisture. Also, if you have a ton of evergreens, then you definitely want to. Evergreens get dry fast in the winter and covering the soil will keep the soil moist – and moist soil means a healthier plant.

Professional Lawn Care in Massachusetts

Like we said – there’s never a terrible time to mulch –and the Spring and Fall bring with them certain benefits. The truth is you can choose either depending on your schedule and the makeup of your yard. If you want to handle the mulching but don’t have time to handle other important factors of your lawn, Seacoast Lawn Care can help. Our technicians offer services including aeration and seeding, fertilization, grub control, and more! We service many other areas throughout Massachusetts, so contact us today to get started. 

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