homeowner inspects dog for ticks

Why is Your Yard Infested With Ticks? 3 Common Reasons

Does it feel like your yard is infested with ticks? There is nothing more frustrating than feeling like you can’t go outside at your own house without worrying about ticks lurking in the yard.

You probably want to know, why are there so many ticks in your yard?

Unfortunately, ticks are common here in New England. But there are certain reasons why some properties tend to have more ticks than others. In this article, we’ll talk about what attracts ticks.

Some of the most common reasons ticks end up in yards include:

  1. Living on a wooded property
  2. Wildlife passing through the yard
  3. There is no tick control being used

Let’s look more closely at what causes ticks in a yard in the first place and also how to deal with them.

Why is My Yard Infested with Ticks?

People commonly think of ticks as being a problem in the woods or on trails. But the truth is, they end up in residential backyards all of the time. Here are a few reasons why.

Living on a wooded property

If you live on a wooded property or even a property that borders wooded areas, your yard is going to be more likely to become a tick habitat. It’s true that ticks are commonly found in the woods but many properties here in the New England seacoast area have wooded areas close by. 

Along with that, many residential properties have tick-friendly habitats within their own property. If you have areas with tall grasses or lots of landscaping, these make great tick hiding spots. 

pest mosquito control technician stands in wooded backyard

Ticks don’t actually like being out in the open and exposed. So, if they end up in your yard and find a great hiding spot, they may hang there until they find their next blood meal. Unfortunately, this could end up being you, your family, or a pet.

If you do live on a property that borders the woods, you might want to create a barrier that helps limit ticks from crossing into your yard. 

A perimeter of mulch, wood chips, gravel, or some other material can do one of two things. It can make it a little more difficult for ticks to cross over than if those areas were just grass. But it can also be a visual reminder to your family that they’re in a “tick zone.” If they’re out in these further areas of the property (bordering the woods), they’ll want to be sure to check for ticks.

Wildlife passing through the yard

When talking about what causes ticks in a yard, it’s also important to understand that ticks might not have originated in your yard but rather been brought there by wildlife passing through. 

This is one of the most common ways that ticks end up on residential properties, even if they do not border the woods.

Chances are that you have animals that have entered your yard before. This can include deer, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, and even stray cats. Many ticks feed from these wild animals, hitch a ride to your yard, and get dropped off in your grass. 

Once this happens, they’ll be on the hunt for their next blood meal.

homeowner checking dog for tick

Of course, another concern with ticks being dropped in your yard is that they could end up laying eggs there. That means that even if you didn’t originally have a tick problem in your yard, you now might have new populations of these pests making your yard their home. 

While there is no way to completely stop wildlife from passing through, you can take steps to deter it from happening. Often, animals wander into yards in search of food, so taking wildlife prevention steps to protect gardens and landscaping can help. 

You should also keep a tight lid on trash cans and be careful about leaving food debris in the yard. This can become a common attraction for wild animals. 

In addition, be sure to keep your wood pile covered as this is a common hang-out spot for small animals. You can use a tarp to cover the wood. Just be sure there is still good air circulation so that your wood does not become rotted.

Also, keep tall grasses trimmed and the landscaping neat and tidy. These are prime tick hang-out spots and you don’t want to make them even more inviting. Remember that ticks love to hide.

Finally, keep your yard clear of debris including fallen branches and leaves. These can become spots where pests will shelter.

There is no tick control being used

Finally, if your yard is infested with ticks, it might be that you have not invested in tick control.

Yard tick control in New England is a valuable investment. It’s one of the best ways to keep ticks away. 

pest mosquito control technician spraying shrubs

Tick control involves targeting tick habitats with a product that will take care of them. This is important, since there is no way to completely prevent animals from passing through your yard. 

At Seacoast Turf Care, we use pollinator-safe treatments that will help reduce the population of ticks on your property without damaging local ecosystems.

Choosing Yard Tick Control in Southern New Hampshire, Maine, & Northeastern Massachusetts

Ticks can pose a serious threat to you and your family. They can carry and transmit deadly diseases which can make it nerve-wracking to spend time outside. This is a key reason why it’s worth investing in professional tick control.

When it comes to choosing a tick control service, you have plenty of options here in the Seacoast region of New England. The key is to do your research. 

Just like any other service you’d consider hiring, you want to take time to look into your choices. Spend time on various companies’ websites and learn what they’re all about. Take a look at how they approach their pest control services and what is offered with their programs.

You’ll also want to take time to read reviews and see what other customers have to say about them.

With a little bit of research, you can narrow down your options and make the choice that is right for your family. 

When you make that wise choice, you’ll no longer feel like you have to drag the kids or pets inside from playing outdoors. With ticks taken care of, you can finally enjoy more time outside.

Want to stop worrying about the danger of ticks on your Southern NH, Maine, or Northeastern Massachusetts property? Get tick control pricing today.

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