Cricket Appearance

5 Expert Tips for Cricket Prevention and Removal in New England

Do you have a chirping sound in your home that is driving you nuts? If you do, there’s a good chance that you have crickets.

Male crickets are nocturnal creatures that make chirping sounds at night. One of the reasons that they are able to hide out in homes as long as they do is the fact that they hide during the day and only come out after dark, once everyone has turned in for the night.
crickets in the nightBut this is the most irritating time for these pests to be active.

In this article, we’ll share everything you ought to know about these pests so that you can make the best choices for your home. We’ll tell you how to get rid of crickets and what steps you can take to prevent them from coming back.

We will cover:

What Does a Cricket Look Like?
How to Keep Crickets Away
Choosing Pest Control in Southern NH, Northeastern Massachusetts, and Southern Maine

After reading this article, we hope that you’ll be able to gain confidence that you no longer have to worry about pests like crickets disturbing your peace.

What Does a Cricket Look Like?

Crickets range in color from brown to black and can be up to two inches long, so they are no small creature. They have long antennae (often longer than their bodies), and big hind legs for jumping.

If homeowners do spot crickets, they’re likely to see them hopping around. Crickets can hop around 50 times their body length!example of what a cricket looks likeThe tell-tale cricket “chirp” is actually a sound made by a male cricket rubbing its legs together. This is done to attract females and is usually heard at night since crickets are nocturnal.

Crickets are excellent hiders and are even known to hide in walls. Over time, if not addressed, this can lead to a cricket infestation.

How to Keep Crickets Away

Like any pest, the ideal way to avoid an infestation is to keep them away in the first place. Once crickets make it inside of your home, they will hunker down and might be difficult to find. Even if a cricket is chirping at night, you might have a hard time locating exactly where it’s coming from. And as we mentioned, it could be inside of your walls!

Here’s a few tips on how to keep crickets away.

#1: Declutter your spaces

Since crickets and other pests like to hide, decluttering spaces where they like to hang out (like the basement) will make it less hospitable to hang around.
cluttered basement where crickets can hide

#2: Get Rid of Moisture

Crickets prefer a moist environment, which is one of the reasons they are commonly found in basements. One way that you can achieve this is with a dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers work by collecting water from the air. Since crickets love moisture and humidity, you’ll make it a less hospitable environment for them to live in.

#3: Seal Up Cracks

Bugs like crickets can get inside through cracks and crevices around your home. Make an effort to find any cracks that can be sealed. You can also patch torn screens and seal up excess space around windows and door frames. The goal is to reduce entry points as much as possible.
homeowner sealing cracks in the home

#4: Keep the lawn and landscape tidy

Pests start in the landscape and make their way inside. Keeping your lawn and landscape trim and tidy can also reduce hiding spots for these pests in the yard. You want to pay attention to areas immediately around the home, such as around the foundation, as these are the spots where bugs like crickets are most likely to find their way inside. Make sure that debris like leaves and branches are always picked up.
a tidy lawn and landscape to discourage pests

#5: Invest in pest control

Ideally, if you want to prevent pests from making it inside, then investing in pest control is the most effective solution. It works by forming a barrier around your home that shields pests from coming inside in the first place.

If you already have a cricket infestation and are wondering how to get rid of crickets, you might also need an action plan to address what’s already going on. Simple solutions like traps and vacuuming pests can help address a current problem.

A pest control expert can help you remove the crickets already found in your home during an interior visit. Then, going forward, they can help keep crickets out by forming a barrier around your home that will keep pests away.

Choosing Pest Control in Southern NH, Northeastern Massachusetts, and Southern Maine

At the end of the day, the most effective solution for dealing with pests is going to be proactive professional pest control services. Even if you do all the right things to try and keep crickets out (like reducing moisture and sealing cracks), these pesky creatures are likely to find a way inside if they want it bad enough! And who wouldn’t want to cozy up in a comfy house as opposed to living outdoors!

Here at Seacoast Turf Care, we can help you with your pest control needs.
pest control technician meeting with a homeownerAt Seacoast Turf Care, serving New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine, our pest control services cover most of the common household pests like crickets, spiders, and more. It also covers mice (which also like to hang out in the walls, like crickets do). Without professional assistance, pests like these can be tough to address.

With effective, quarterly treatments, you can keep many pests out of your home. This is important as sometimes a simple bug problem can become a full-blown infestation if given the chance.

If you truly want peace of mind that you’re keeping pests away, investing in professional pest control is a wise choice. By taking the right steps, you’ll be able to get back to enjoying life as usual.

Want to learn more about how pest control services can protect your family and give you peace of mind? At Seacoast Turf Care, we service NH towns near Stratham, North Hampton, Exeter and many more. Get pest control pricing for your Southern NH, Southern Maine, or Northeastern Massachusetts property.

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Image Sources: crickets in the night, cricket, cluttered basement, sealing cracks

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