lawn care technician inspects grass

Understanding Oxalis Weed: Identification and Control Tips in New England

When it comes to having a healthy and thriving lawn, weeds are a major source of frustration. There are many different types of weeds in New England that can plague lawns but some varieties are certainly worse than others.

Oxalis weed is a common invader that can spread quickly. Knowing how to handle this nuisance weed is important to your lawn care success.

In this article, we will answer some of the common questions about Oxalis weed. We’ll talk about Oxalis weed identification and control tips that will help ensure you tackle this weed the right way.

We’ll cover:
What is Oxalis weed?
What does Oxalis weed look like?
How to get rid of Oxalis weed
How to prevent Oxalis weed

Our goal is to help set you up for weed control success so that you can be happy with your lawn. We understand that weeds can be a major source of frustration but being educated on what to do about them can make a world of difference.

What is Oxalis Weed?

Oxalis weed is a low-growing weed that can sometimes be mistaken for Clover as they have similarly shaped leaves. The biggest difference is that Oxalis has yellow flowers (and Clover has white). 


This nuisance weed can quickly take over a healthy lawn due to its fast-spreading nature and its prolific seeding. Oxalis has even been known to creep into landscape beds.

What Does Oxalis Weed Look Like?

Proper Oxalis weed identification is important when it comes to knowing what you’re dealing with. 

The leaves on Oxalis weed definitely do resemble that of Clover. However, if you look closely at Oxalis leaves, you would notice that they are heart-shaped as opposed to Clover’s oval-shaped leaves. Oxalis typically has three or more of these heart-shaped leaves.

oxalis leaf

In addition, once this weed flowers, it is easy to tell apart from Clover given that the two do have different colored blooms (Clover’s being white and Oxalis’ being yellow).

How to Get Rid of Oxalis Weed?

Broadleaf controls are going to be your best bet to get rid of Oxalis.

Keep in mind that Oxalis weed control can be challenging as this weed can be stubborn. While it can be controlled with broadleaf weed control products, it may require more than one targeted treatment given its persistence as well as its ability to spread so rapidly. 

lawn care technician liquid spray

Instead of using an Oxalis weed killer, some people also try to dig up Oxalis weed.

Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to get the entire plant and all its seeds. When Oxalis seed pods mature, they explode open, scattering seeds long distances. This is another reason why this weed often pops up throughout a lawn. 

Digging up Oxalis can also mean tearing up your entire lawn. For homeowners who care about the aesthetics of their lawn, this is not the best option.

How to Prevent Oxalis Weed

While even the healthiest lawns can deal with weeds, you can naturally prevent some of that unwanted growth by promoting a healthy and thriving lawn.

homeowner and turf care expert inspect weed

All weeds must compete with your turf grass to grow in your lawn. So, you make it easier for weeds like Oxalis weed to creep in when your lawn is thin or has bare spots. But when your turf is thick and healthy, it will begin to naturally choke out some of these unwanted weeds.

You can grow thick and healthy turf by investing in lawn care in New England. Lawn care services like fertilization and aeration can help you grow healthier grass.

Why Use Professional Lawn Care in New England?

When it comes to dealing with Oxalis (or any other weed), a professional lawn care provider can help you implement the best solution. 

Keep in mind that Oxalis is just one of many weeds that grow here in New England. Since different weeds often have different solutions, it’s important to work with a professional who will take a varied approach to weed control.

In addition, a lawn care provider can also implement some of the other services that we’ve mentioned like lawn fertilization and aeration, which can make a huge difference in growing a healthier turf. They’ll also be able to help you identify and treat common lawn problems like lawn-eating pests and diseases. 

With a pro on your side, you’ll gain peace of mind that your lawn is getting everything that it needs to perform its best.


Choosing Seacoast Turf for Lawn Care in Southern New Hampshire, Maine, & Northeastern Massachusetts

Seacoast Turf Care takes New England weeds seriously. We know that weeds like Oxalis are annoying and that you desire reliable and trustworthy lawn care advice and services.

At Seacoast Turf Care, we provide lawn care services in Southern NH, Southern Maine, and Northeastern Massachusetts. We know lawn weeds are often one of the biggest sources of frustration for homeowners. We take a science-based approach to all of our lawn care services. That includes promoting a thick and healthy lawn that is going to start to naturally choke out weeds on its own.

In time, the healthier your lawn is, the fewer weed control products you’ll need to keep weeds out. Many New England weeds struggle to creep into a thick lawn! That means when you partner with us, you’ll be able to let go of your weedy worries and simply get back to enjoying your lawn to the fullest.

Ready to be where the grass is greener, healthier, and free from weeds? Get lawn care pricing for your Southern NH, ME, or MA lawn.

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Image Source: Oxalis leafOxalis

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